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REAL TIME PCR and its Application notes

REAL TIME PCR   Real-time polymerase chain reaction ( qPCR ) is commonly used to measure gene expression . It is more sensitive than micro arrays in detecting small changes in expression but requires more input RNA and is less adaptable to high-throughput studies.  It is best suited for studies of small subsets of genes.  Its one major shortcoming is that the sequence of the specific target gene of interest must be known (so you can design the PCR primers),  hence real-time PCR can only be used for studying  known genes .   It is also known as a  quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) , which is a laboratory technique of molecular biology based on the polymerase chain reaction . PRINCIPLE OF REAL TIME PCR(qPCR). This same principle of amplification of PCR is employed in real-time PCR. But instead of looking at bands on a gel at the end of the reaction, the process is monitored in “real-time”. The reaction is placed into a real-time PCR machine ...